
Talk Like a Pirate Day – 19 September 2024

International Talk Like a Pirate Day is a whimsical and fun-filled holiday that encourages people around the world to unleash their inner pirate by speaking in pirate lingo. Whether you’re a fan of pirate movies, books, or just enjoy a good laugh, this day offers a playful escape from the ordinary as everyone is invited to embrace the spirit of the high seas. From greeting friends with a hearty “Ahoy, matey!” to shouting “Arrr!” at every opportunity, International Talk Like a Pirate Day is all about having fun and spreading joy.

We embraced the day at PWH decorating Dickens Café and transforming it into a pirate haven. Our pirates exclaimed “Shiver me timbers!” in excitement as they found their booty of golden coins.

In the afternoon we gathered in the multifunction room to watch Pirates of the Caribbean which led to many exclamations of “Argh!” from me hearties!

It was a fun filled day for sure!

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