
Admin Team Building Outing – 24 September 2024

We caught up with Sonia our office manager to find out more.


What inspired you to organise a team building outing for your team?

We had discussed wanting to do something as a team several times


The main purpose was to welcome the new team members ie Olayinka and Harvestina into the team and it’s a great opportunity for everyone to get to know each other away from the professional environment on a one-to-one level.


What benefits have you noted since this took place?

A better working relationship between all members, and we all get along very well.


Are you planning to organise another team building event?

Yes, we have discussed this, and everyone has made suggestions of what we could do next as a group. Everyone really enjoyed themselves and are looking forward to doing something soon.


Team building exercises should be fun and engaging, it encourages the team to bond, and builds trust, it boosts positivity amongst the team and an overall pleasant environment. The team feels appreciated and valued. It improves morale and promotes good physical and mental wellbeing. 


Thanks, Sonia, for sharing your thoughts and insight.

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